T here are great cars out there, ones that – to normal humans – do so many things at such a high level that to them, one car can be satisfactory by having an ideal blend of practicality, luxury, and sportiness, therefore making it a nominee for the “perfect one car garage”. What might some of these cars be? Well, to be victorious, it undoubtedly needs practicality and a good blend of comfort and technology. However, for a motorhead like me and countless others out there, it needs to have the ability to produce a significant amount of driving pleasure, which usually results from a good engine, chassis, and user control experience. Following this criteria, the first car that comes to mind is the BMW M3. It has 4-doors, an acceptably sized trunk, and the ability to hoon for days because of the small nuke packed underneath the hood. You can strap your kid down in the back seat, you and your wife in the front, and complete every single daily activity without issues. Th...
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